Cemetery Walks 2024
An annual encaustic art project by Juliana Laury
3rd Installment
Ravensgate, Phoenixville PA
September 2024
Little Deaths
The World Still Dies in Summer
The Road Less Traveled
Je Suis Prêt
Translation: “I am Ready”
Black Velvet Mat, Antique Frame
Oval Mat & Mounting by Framer’s Market Gallery, Exton PA
Night Falls
Prepare Thyself to Follow me
Where do we begin?
Address: 207 Bridge Street, Phoenixville PA
The final section of the show was a mini collaboration Between my eldest son and myself.
The piece that I made out of what we collected on our first cemetery walk together hung beside a piece he made himself at my studio two years later.
I also included a handmade book that we both contributed to, which he started on his own during a weekend craft time that we shared. He had written “Sorry you died” (incorrectly spelled, you can reference his spelling here) on the cover, and done some collage work from a dark children’s book he had found. I added my own writing and collage work in the second half, and included photographs and thoughts about the importance of taking children to cemeteries and beginning this necessary conversation about death at a young age.
Included photographs below:
If you are interested in purchasing any pieces, would like to invite me to speak about the work, or wish need advice on starting your own cemetery walks project please email me: